BlackPink + YouTube
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Art Direction
2.5B Total Views
136M Total Engagements
1M+ Total Creations
27K Creations from new Shorts creators
2.5B Total Views
136M Total Engagements
1M+ Total Creations
660K social mentions
27K Creations from new Shorts creators
In short form video platform competition, TikTok put themselves on the map by starting dance challenge. YouTube Shorts wants to dethrone the TikTok, so we partnered with BlackPink, the most subscribed artist on YouTube.
To drive the mass volume of creation, we invited fans to join a very simple dance challenge called #PinkVenomChallenge with Blackpink’s new releasing single Pink Venom.
To drive the mass volume of creation, we invited fans to join a very simple dance challenge called #PinkVenomChallenge with Blackpink’s new releasing single Pink Venom.
Trailer :30
To promote it, we created visually attractive :30 ad that accentuates each member’s move along with 4 simple how-to Shorts videos from each members.
Don Lee